Rafael Wilker

Rafael Wilker


About him

Rafael began his journey in dance in 2009. Throughout these years, he sought contact with various rhythms such as Samba, Bolero, Zouk, WCS, Bachata, Tango, and Salsa to incorporate techniques into his dance and enrich his specialty: Forró!

Within the Pé Descalço School, one of the most recognized Forró schools in the world, Rafael has been:

a student;

a teacher;

a choreographer;

a dancer;

an examined student;

an examiner.

He has gone through all the levels (degrees) of the school.


Always considering his responsibility as a disseminator of knowledge, he felt it was time for a new step, and in 2019, he also started his solo project: Forró com o Wilker (@forrocomowilker - www.forrocomowilker.com)!

Rafael has built a reputation for bringing technical knowledge and clarity to dance: innovations, cleanliness, fluency, figures, movements that explore dynamism and senses. He has also stood out for his musicality and improvisation. He values lively and fun classes and, most importantly, he brings content to his dance, not only as leisure but as something greater, stronger, that heals, brings joy, and changes lives (therapy). In his journey as a teacher, he has already conducted various workshops/festivals in several cities and states in Brazil, including São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Piauí, Pernambuco, Bahia, and, of course, Minas Gerais!

In addition to teaching at the main international workshops/festivals:

Europe | Portugal, Germany, France, Belarus, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Ireland, Turkey(...)

United States | Boston, Miami, San Francisco, Chicago, Washington DC, New York, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose...

Japan | Tokyo, Hamamatsu, Gunma

Russia | Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Siberia

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