Gilmar Santos Lopes

Gilmar Santos Lopes


    Gilmar Lopes is a forró teacher with a contagious passion for dance. With years of experience, he has become an emblematic figure in his region teaching Forró de Salão and Samba de Gafieira. Her teaching approach deftly blends traditional techniques with modern elements, providing students with a deep understanding of the history and evolution of this popular Brazilian dance style. In addition to his dynamic and engaging classes, Gilmar is known for his unique ability to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where dancers of all levels feel welcome and encouraged to explore their potential. His dedication to preserving the authenticity of forró, combined with his innovative vision, solidifies his role as one of the main ambassadors of this rich cultural tradition. Its impact extends beyond the classroom, inspiring a new generation of dance lovers to connect with forró's roots and incorporate their passion for dance into their lives.

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