Tonelada de Forró 2023 - Hannover

Tonelada de Forró 2023 - Hannover


Opens at Friday, October 27, 2023 2:00 PM

Closes at Sunday, October 29, 2023 11:00 PM

Tonelada de Forró 2023 - Hannover, Germany

The registration phases are as follows.

The respective capacity is limited.:

Fullpass :

1. lot early bird: 23.08.2023-12.09.2023 / 18:00 / 79€

Fullpass :

2. lot early bird: 13.09.2023-03.10.2023 / 18:00 / 89€

Fullpass :

3. lot: 04.10.2023 / 18:00 / 99€

Party/Free dancing-tickets 23.08.2023 / 18:00: 15€ students; 30€ normal